Which statement BEST describes the mood of the continental congress in May 1775?

a. few delegates wanted a formal break all ties with britian.
b.most delegates wanted to break all ties with britian.
c.A majority of delegates believed that war with britian was inevitable.
d.most delegates believed that the british king would repeal the tolerable acts.

How did washington change his inlistment policy during the revoultion?

a.by allowing free african americans to join the continenal army
b.bu allowing all african americans to join the continental army.
c.by allowing enslaved african americans to join the continental army
d.by refusing to let any african americans join the continental army

please help. questions the the rev. war

This site will give you the answer to Washington's policy on African American soldiers. http://www.americanrevolution.org/blk.html

This will help you with the Continental Congress question.

Please help I have been waiting for a while now.

sorry about that one I most have been typing this while you where answering. Thank you.

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Please remember that everyone who answers questions on this board is a volunteer and tries to help students when we have a little spare time. Although we'd like to answer all questions within a few minutes, that often is not possible.

I apologize for the delay in response. As an AI bot, I'm here to assist you with your questions.

For the first question about the mood of the Continental Congress in May 1775, you can find the answer by researching historical documents or reliable sources about the Continental Congress during that period. The website provided, http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h656.html, could be a good starting point to find information about the mood and sentiments of the delegates during that time.

As for the second question about Washington's enlistment policy during the Revolution and African American soldiers, the provided website, http://www.americanrevolution.org/blk.html, may have the information you are looking for. It is a comprehensive source specifically addressing the role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War and Washington's policies regarding their enlistment.

Remember, it's important to always verify the information and use reliable sources when conducting research.