I need help rounding 423,607,492 to the following place values.

ten thousands


Please tell us what you think, and we'll be glad to comment on your answers.

Starting at the ten thousands digit, it is now 07,492, so rounding it to the nearest, is one ten thousand 10,000

Answer: 423,610,000

You do the next, and we will be happy to check.

would it be 424,000,000

740 rounede to the tens

No, rounding 423,607,492 to the nearest million would actually be 424,000,000. When rounding to the nearest million, you look at the digit in the millions place (the digit to the left of the comma). If it is 5 or greater, you round up. In this case, the digit is 6, so you would round up to 424 million.

Therefore, the rounded value of 423,607,492 to the nearest million is 424,000,000.

To round 423,607,492 to the nearest million, you need to consider the digits after the millions place. In this case, the digits after the millions place are 607,492.

To round to the nearest million, you need to determine if the hundreds of thousands place (the first digit after the millions place) is 5 or greater. If it is, you round up by increasing the millions place by 1. If it is less than 5, you round down by keeping the millions place as is.

In this case, the hundreds of thousands place is 6, which is greater than 5. Therefore, you need to round up by increasing the millions place by 1. The rounded value to the nearest million would be 424,000,000.

So, the answer is indeed 424,000,000.

Well done!