Which coordination compound will most likely form a precipitate when treated with silver(II) nitrate (aqueous)?


I tried the solubility rules, but that didn't work out. Any help would be great.

I made a mistake about, it's suppose to be silver(I) nitrate not (II)

For AgNO3 to react with chloride in a molecule, the Cl need to be attached outside the coordination sphere. That will be the one in which Cl is more ionic in character and will react with the AgNO3 to produce AgCl. The Cl atoms inside the coordination sphere usually are covalently bound and don't react with AgNO3, or at least if they do, they do so very slowly. Which Cl do you think is outside the coordination sphere?

The solubility rules, by the way, tell you that AgCl is insoluble but they don't help with this kind of problem.

I just started this section, so I am still learning about it and am still a bit confused...

Would it be


I think the original post has some brackets out of order; howewver, in this case, you see the Cr is coordinated with 6 NH3 molecules and when it is placed in water it ionizes
[Cr(NH3)6]Cl3 ==> [Cr(NH3)6]^+3 + 3Cl^- and the Cl^- are readily available to react with AgNO3 to form AgCl.

For one of the others, say, [Cr(NH3)3Cl3], you see that 3 NH3 are coordinated with Cr as are the 3 Cl atoms (coordination number for Cr is 6), so the Cl is covalently bound and is not available in water solution to react with AgNO3.


Cr[NH3]Cl3 gives a precipitate of AgCl confirming the presence of chlorides ions.


To determine which coordination compound is more likely to form a precipitate when treated with silver(II) nitrate (AgNO3), you need to consider the presence of chloride ions (Cl-) in the compound.

When AgNO3 reacts with chloride ions (Cl-) outside the coordination sphere, it forms a precipitate of silver chloride (AgCl) due to the low solubility of AgCl.

Looking at the options given:
1. [Cr(NH3)3Cl3]: In this compound, both the ammonia (NH3) ligands and chloride (Cl-) ligands are coordinated with chromium (Cr). Since the chloride ions are part of the coordination sphere, they are less likely to react with AgNO3.

2. [Cr(NH3)6Cl3]: In this compound, six ammonia (NH3) molecules are coordinated with chromium (Cr), and the chloride ions (Cl-) are outside the coordination sphere. When placed in water, this compound will ionize, releasing the chloride ions (Cl-). These chloride ions can readily react with AgNO3 to form AgCl precipitate.

3. Na3[Cr(CN)6]: This compound does not contain chloride ions (Cl-) and is therefore unlikely to form a precipitate when treated with AgNO3.

4. Na3[CrCl6]: This compound contains chloride ions (Cl-), but they are not part of the coordination sphere and are less likely to react with AgNO3.

Based on this analysis, [Cr(NH3)6Cl3] is the coordination compound that is most likely to form a precipitate when treated with AgNO3.