Thank you so much!!!!

I'm really sorry that I could not post back a.s.a.p to all your posts.Thoses posts were SO Helpful! Don't worry about the links, because I have searched for it and it was brilliant!

I don't have a problem with memorising the vocabs, I am always good at remembering words. What I am struggling with is the tense and how to form a sentence.(with all the words in the right order.)I think French may be one of the hardest language to learn as English is my second lauguage and it was fairly easy for me to learn.

I will make full use of those information that you have given me.And again,thank you!!

Thank you for responding. You WILL get it, since English is your second language. Once you learn "how to learn" another language, there is no stopping you!

Usual word order for a sentence = subject (noun or pronoun) + verb + information. If a negative is involved = Subject + ne + verb + pas (or other negative word), etc. Examples: Jean lit le livre. Jean ne lit pas le livre.

There are 4 ways to ask a question and I'll be happy to explain that when you are ready.

As for tenses, learn the regular verbs firt (-er, -ir, -re) and MOST verbs fit those patterns. The irregular verbs are used very often and they can also follow patterns. It just takes time to SEE the patterns.

The most difficult part was for some students to pronounce the words. I used to tell them to "pinch the nose" for the nasals or to be very happy when they had a bad cold!

Now, more specifics? For example, what tense(s) are you studying and what kinds of sentences are you doing? You will probably like the one site I gave you where the words are jumbled and you have to put them in the correct word order. A bientôt. . . . . Mme

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that the information I provided was helpful to you. Learning a new language can indeed be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the tense and sentence structure.

To form a sentence in French, the usual word order is subject (noun or pronoun) + verb + information. For example, "Jean lit le livre" translates to "Jean is reading the book." When a negative is involved, the word order becomes subject + ne + verb + pas (or other negative word), like in "Jean ne lit pas le livre," which translates to "Jean is not reading the book."

In French, there are four ways to ask a question:

1. By using a rising intonation at the end of a sentence. For example, "Tu viens demain?" which means "Are you coming tomorrow?"

2. By inverting the subject and verb. For example, "Viens-tu demain?" which also means "Are you coming tomorrow?"

3. By adding "Est-ce que" at the beginning of the sentence. For example, "Est-ce que tu viens demain?" which also means "Are you coming tomorrow?"

4. By adding a question word at the beginning of the sentence. For example, "Pourquoi tu viens demain?" which means "Why are you coming tomorrow?"

When it comes to learning tenses, it's helpful to start with regular verbs (-er, -ir, -re) as most verbs follow those patterns. The irregular verbs, although used often, also have patterns that can be learned over time. It's important to practice using verbs in different tenses to become familiar with their forms and usage.

Pronunciation can be a challenge, especially with nasal sounds in French. One way to practice nasal sounds is to pinch your nose while speaking to create the correct airflow. Another playful technique is to imagine being very happy when you have a bad cold, as it simulates the nasal sounds. Practice and exposure to the language will help improve your pronunciation skills.

If you have more specific questions or need assistance with a particular tense or sentence type, feel free to ask. I also recommend utilizing the website I provided earlier, where you can practice putting words in the correct word order. Good luck with your studies, and feel free to reach out if you need further assistance. A bientôt! - Mme