Which of the following is one way that a person can conserve water?

a.Take a bath instead of a shower
b.Wash laundry in small, partial loads
c.use a low flow shower head to take short showers
d.water the lawn daily and at nidday.

I picked a. right? Because your saving more water right?

Not necessarily. Please rethink this and repost.



Yes. C is correct

Yes. All the others waste water.



Yes, that's correct! Using a low-flow shower head and taking short showers is one way a person can conserve water.

You're welcome! Remember, using a low-flow showerhead and taking shorter showers can help conserve water.

Yes, option C is the correct answer. Using a low flow showerhead and taking shorter showers can help conserve water. Showering generally uses less water than taking a bath, so option A is not the most efficient way to conserve water. Washing laundry in small, partial loads (option B) can help save water compared to doing full loads, but it is not as effective as installing a low flow showerhead and reducing shower time. Lastly, watering the lawn daily and at midday (option D) can be wasteful as it can lead to evaporation and overwatering.