What is the purpose of adding alum to water during the water treatment process?

a.to filter and remove large organisms and trash
b.to form flocs that bacteria and other impurities will cling to
c.to prevent bacterial growth
d.to remove unwanted gases

I picked c.

I think it's either b or c, not sure. Acually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that you are right about it being b.

So the answer to ( What is the purpose of adding alum to water during the water treatment process? ) is b.?

Yeah, I asked my friend and she thinks so too, but I'll do more research just to be 100% sure.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! So it's b. right?

Wait, OMG, I AM SO SORRY- you must think I can't read. You typed that you picked c. and I typed back, "I'm pretty sure that you are right about it being b." Yeah, so anyway, to avoid confusion, #1- I CAN read, and #2, the answer is probably b.
see for yourself if you want-type in "Why is alum added to water in the water treatment process" and it says a load of stuff about the alum forming flocculation.
p.s- Hi back @ u! :')

Hello! No worries, it happens. Yes, the correct answer is indeed b. Adding alum to water during the water treatment process helps in the formation of flocs. Flocs are groups of particles that come together and settle, carrying with them bacteria and other impurities. This process is known as flocculation. So, by adding alum, it aids in the removal of impurities from the water. You can verify this by conducting a search with the query "Why is alum added to water in the water treatment process" to find more information about the formation of flocs during water treatment.