can you inscramble these letters to make 2 words first word 12 letters, 2nd word 5 letters


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. I answered the first one I saw, which was just before this one!

you are so infantile

Yes, I can help you unscramble the letters. The scrambled letters "ietnnrncuinvtohte" can be unscrambled to form two words: "inconvenient" (12 letters) and "notion" (5 letters).

Sure! To unscramble the given letters and find two words, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the possible combinations of 12 and 5 letter words that can be formed using the given letters.

2. Rearrange the letters of each combination to find valid words.

So, let's start unscrambling the letters:


Possible 12-letter words:
- intrenchinto
- intonervincet

Possible 5-letter words:
- inner
- ounce
- tonic

Now, we need to rearrange the letters to find valid words. After checking, we find the following two words:

- intrench into
- inner count

Thus, the two words that can be formed from the given letters are "intrench" (12 letters) and "inner" (5 letters).

Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!