It has been ten years since I came to America with my family, and in the summer of 2006, my parents finally decided to take me to the most fun place in the world: Disneyland. I have waited for this day since the second I found about this place. It was that time I enjoyed myself most. I had anticipated this vacation to be the best. After all, I was going to Disneyland. Little did I know I was about to go on a journey that would leave me full of memories that I would never forget. The incident took place in the summer of 2006 and yet I can recall the date and time as if it were yesterday.

That is my introduction to my narrative essay of an event. My teacher says that she wants a thesis at the end of the paragraph too. And normally, if it's a sad event, i can write a thesis about the basic topic

but this is a fun event so i want to say how this trip affected me. To me disneyland is a place to have fun, let loose and all that. so how would i put that in a more english way:

What i came up with:
Here I was going to the greatest place in the world, a place where memories can made, a place where family spends time together...

i know that's a short paragraph but i will start explaining my story in the next paragraph

It has been ten years since I came to America with my family, and in the summer of 2006, my parents finally decided to take me to the most fun place in the world: Disneyland. I have waited for this day since the second I found about this place. It was that time I enjoyed myself most. I had anticipated this vacation to be the best. After all, I was going to Disneyland. Little did I know I was about to go on a journey that would leave me full of memories that I would never forget. Here I was going to the greatest place in the world, a place where memories can made, a place where family spends time together, lets loose, and has fun. I remember it as if it were yesterday.

Does that help?


You should probably delete that last sentence. The "Here I was ... " sentence is a good thesis statement.


Yes, your revised thesis statement, "Here I was going to the greatest place in the world, a place where memories can be made, a place where family spends time together, lets loose, and has fun," effectively conveys the main idea of your narrative essay. It explains how this trip to Disneyland affected you and sets the tone for the rest of your story. You can delete the last sentence, as it is not necessary and the thesis statement stands on its own. Good luck with your essay!