I am given a project to Develop and Incorporate a Business. I decided about video game business for example companies that make big systems like xbox.

What is the concept?
Type of Entity?: LLC
Reason for selecting Entity?
Financial Assistance?
Marketting Audience?
who are the partners and why?

What is entity?
what is LLC?
What will be LLC in video game business?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Are the questions: What is entity? (separate) and LLC (limited liability company.)


Let's start by answering the question "What is an entity?" An entity refers to any individual, organization, or group of people that can conduct business or enter into contracts. In the context of your project to develop and incorporate a business, the entity would be the legal structure under which your business operates.

Now let's move on to "What is an LLC?" An LLC stands for a Limited Liability Company. It is a type of legal structure for businesses that combines the benefits of a corporation and a partnership. It provides limited liability protection to its owners (referred to as members) while allowing for flexibility in its management and taxation.

In the case of your video game business, setting up an LLC would provide various advantages. Firstly, as an LLC, the owners would have limited liability, meaning their personal assets would generally be protected if the business were to face any legal issues or debts. Secondly, an LLC offers flexibility in terms of management structure, which can be useful in the dynamic and constantly evolving video game industry. Additionally, operating as an LLC allows for the members to pass profits and losses directly to their individual tax returns, avoiding the double taxation that can occur with a traditional corporation.

Moving on to the next question about the reason for selecting an LLC as the entity, the main reason would be the limited liability protection it offers. Since the video game industry involves various risks and potential legal issues, having limited liability can safeguard the personal assets of the owners if any problems arise.

Regarding financial assistance, you would need to explore various options available to fund your video game business. This could include seeking investors, applying for business loans, or exploring crowdfunding platforms specific to the gaming industry. It is essential to analyze your financial needs and put together a comprehensive business plan before approaching potential sources of financial assistance.

For the marketing audience, you need to identify the target market for your video game business. This could include gamers of different age groups, demographics, and gaming preferences. Researching and understanding your target audience will help you tailor your marketing strategies and product development accordingly.

Lastly, the partners in your video game business would depend on your specific circumstances and goals. Ideally, partners should bring complementary skills, expertise, and resources to the table. Consider finding partners who have experience in the gaming industry, marketing, finance, and technology. Collaborating with partners can help distribute the workload, diversify perspectives, and strengthen the overall capabilities of your business.

Remember, this is just a general guide, and it is crucial to consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure that your specific circumstances and local regulations are taken into account when setting up your video game business as an LLC.