Evaluate [-7] - [-8]

-7-(-8) = -7+8=+1

Always remember that a ( + and + gives us + ) and a ( - and - gives us + ) and a + and - gives us -

Always when subtracting or adding take the sign of the biggest number which will be the sign of your answer , and work out if it is a + or - by this rule

To evaluate the expression [-7] - [-8], follow these steps:

1. Simplify the minus sign in front of each number. Converting a negative sign in front of a number to a positive sign is the same as changing its sign. So, [-7] becomes +7 and [-8] becomes +8.
2. Perform the subtraction operation: +7 - +8.
3. When subtracting positive numbers, think of it as adding the opposite. In other words, subtracting +8 is the same as adding -8.
4. Add +7 and -8 together: +7 + (-8) = -1.

Thus, the answer to the expression [-7] - [-8] is -1.

Remember, to correctly perform addition or subtraction with positive and negative numbers, follow these rules:

- When adding two numbers with the same sign: Add the absolute values of the numbers and keep the sign.
- When subtracting two numbers with the same sign: Subtract the absolute values of the numbers and keep the sign of the larger value.
- When adding two numbers with different signs: Subtract the absolute values of the numbers and keep the sign of the number with the larger absolute value.
- When subtracting two numbers with different signs: Add the absolute values of the numbers and keep the sign of the number with the larger absolute value.