please can someone help i need to know the difference at telophase 2 of meiosis if their had been a crossing over at a postision halfway between the huntingtons disease genes

please im finding this last question hard

I can certainly help you understand the difference in Telophase 2 of meiosis, specifically if there was a crossing over event between the Huntington's disease genes. Let's break down the process and concepts step by step:

1. Telophase 2: Telophase 2 is the final stage of meiosis II, which is the second division of meiosis. During this phase, the two daughter cells from meiosis I divide further, resulting in a total of four haploid cells (gametes).

2. Crossing Over: Crossing over, also known as recombination, is an event that occurs during meiosis I's Prophase 1. It involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. Crossing over can lead to the shuffling and mixing of alleles (different versions of a gene) between chromosomes.

Based on your question, let's assume there is a crossing over event occurring between the Huntington's disease genes, specifically at a position halfway between them. To analyze the difference in Telophase 2, we need to consider the chromosome arrangement in the resulting gametes.

Without Crossing Over:
If there is no crossing over between the Huntington's disease genes, the allele arrangement on the chromosomes will remain unchanged. Therefore, the resulting gametes will contain the same combination of alleles for the Huntington's disease genes as the parent cells.

With Crossing Over:
If there is a crossing over event between the Huntington's disease genes, specifically halfway between them, the alleles can be shuffled between the homologous chromosomes. As a result, in Telophase 2, the gametes will exhibit a different combination of alleles for the Huntington's disease genes compared to the parent cells.

It's worth noting that Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by a mutation in the huntingtin (HTT) gene located on chromosome 4. Crossing over can potentially introduce new combinations of alleles, but it won't directly affect whether or not an individual inherits Huntington's disease.

To fully understand the difference in Telophase 2, it's important to visualize the chromosomes and the process of meiosis. I recommend referring to diagrams or interactive resources that illustrate meiosis and crossing over to enhance your understanding.