40 divided by 8



Count the eights...and you get five.

Get it?

Yes, I understand. To find the answer to 40 divided by 8, you can think of it as repeatedly subtracting 8 from 40 until you reach 0. Each time you subtract 8, you keep count of how many times you can do this. In this case, you can subtract 8 five times before reaching 0, so the answer is 5.

Alternatively, you can use long division to solve this. Here's how:

8 | 40

First, you ask, "How many times does 8 go into 40?" The answer is 5, so you write 5 above the line. Then, you multiply 5 by 8 (5 times 8 is 40) and write the result underneath the number 40. Subtract 40 from 40 to get 0, which means you have no remainder.

Therefore, the answer to 40 divided by 8 is 5.