Here are you a brain teaser. You have to buy at least on of every bird when you are done you will have 100 birds for $100.00

$.05 for Biddie

$1.00 for Hen

$5.00 for Rooster

19 roosters, 1 hen, 80 biddies

To solve this brain teaser, you need to calculate the total cost of buying at least one of every bird while getting a total of 100 birds for $100. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, let's calculate the cost of buying 19 roosters:
- Each rooster costs $5.00.
- So, 19 roosters will cost 19 * $5.00 = $95.00.

2. Next, let's calculate the cost of buying 1 hen:
- Each hen costs $1.00.
- So, 1 hen will cost 1 * $1.00 = $1.00.

3. Finally, let's calculate the cost of buying the remaining biddies:
- The total number of birds is 100, and we already have 19 roosters and 1 hen, so there will be 80 biddies left.
- Each biddy costs $0.05.
- So, 80 biddies will cost 80 * $0.05 = $4.00.

Now, let's calculate the total cost:
- The cost of the roosters is $95.00.
- The cost of the hen is $1.00.
- The cost of the biddies is $4.00.
- Therefore, the total cost is $95.00 + $1.00 + $4.00 = $100.00, which matches the given amount.

So, by buying 19 roosters, 1 hen, and 80 biddies, you will have 100 birds for $100.00.