please list all the formulas for calculating the specific heat of a substance please.


specific heat = (heat added)/[(mass)(delta T)]

That is the equation that defines specific heat. It should be the only equation you need.
"delta T" is the increase in temperature.

For gases, a distinction is made between the heat capacity value at constant pressure (Cp) and the value at constant volume (Cv).
Cv - Cp = R,
where R is the gas constant per mass.

To calculate specific heat, you only need the formula:

specific heat = (heat added) / (mass * delta T)

This formula takes into consideration the heat added to the substance, the mass of the substance, and the change in temperature (delta T).

However, for gases, there is a distinction between the heat capacity value at constant pressure (Cp) and the value at constant volume (Cv). At a constant volume, the heat added to the gas produces only a change in temperature (delta T). On the other hand, at a constant pressure, the heat added also causes the gas to expand or contract, resulting in work being done in addition to a change in temperature.

The relationship between Cp and Cv for gases is given by the equation:
Cp - Cv = R

Here, R represents the gas constant per mass.

In summary, for solids and liquids, the formula specific heat = (heat added) / (mass * delta T) is sufficient. For gases, if you require the distinction between constant pressure (Cp) and constant volume (Cv), you can utilize the equation Cp - Cv = R.