what is this overall process (crash, recovery, extinction, survivability, genetic weakness, etc.) called in nature?

History of life



is it right

come on talk to me

The overall process you are referring to is called "evolution." Evolution is the process by which organisms change and adapt over time through the mechanisms of genetic variation, natural selection, and genetic inheritance. It encompasses various aspects of the history of life on Earth, including periods of growth, decline, extinction, and the development of characteristics that enhance an organism's survivability.

Evolution can be understood as a biography of life on Earth, as it involves the study of the changes in populations of organisms over generations. It explains how species originated, diversified, and sometimes went extinct.

To study the history of life and understand the process of evolution, scientists use various sources of evidence, such as fossils, comparative anatomy, molecular genetics, and observations of ecological interactions. By analyzing these pieces of evidence, they can reconstruct the timeline of evolutionary events and understand the factors that have influenced the survival and adaptation of different species.

So, in summary, the overall process you were asking about is called evolution, which encompasses the various aspects you mentioned, such as crash, recovery, extinction, survivability, and genetic weakness.