In thornton Wilder's The skin of your teeth for this question Who says this quote Tear everything down I don't care if you smash it. Is the answer mr. antrobus. Thanks

In Thornton Wilder's play "The Skin of Our Teeth," the character who says the quote "Tear everything down. I don't care if you smash it" is indeed Mr. Antrobus. Mr. Antrobus is a central character in the play who represents humanity and faces various challenges throughout the story.

To find the answer to your question, you can refer to the script or text of the play. Look for the particular scene or dialogue where this quote appears. If you have access to a printed copy of the play, you can search for the quote within the text. Alternatively, if you are using an electronic version, you can use the search function to locate the quote by searching for keywords such as "tear," "smash," or "Mr. Antrobus."

Finding the original source of a quote can sometimes require referencing the primary material, such as the play itself or other reliable sources.