What is the square root of 121?

show work

I memorized this long ago in the fourth grade as 11. If you want to show work, show that 11x11 is 121.


that's right

To find the square root of 121, you can either use a calculator or manually calculate it by prime factorization method.

Using calculator:
Simply input the number 121 into the calculator and press the square root (√) button. The result will be 11.

Manually calculating:
To show the work manually, you can use the prime factorization method:

Step 1: Identify the prime factors of 121.
121 can be expressed as a product of prime factors as 11 × 11.

Step 2: Take one factor of each prime from the product.
Take one factor of 11 from 11 × 11.

Step 3: Write down the remaining factors in pairs.
In this case, there are no remaining factors since we have used both factors of 11.

Therefore, the square root of 121 is 11.