It could be different. One is supposed to define symbols before one starts with a Let statement, as in

Let B= a constant
Let b= some other constant or
let b=B

I suspect it is a sloppy typographical error, so B+b= 2B or =2b

in math is there a differenc in B and b
for example if you have b+B
would this = 2 b? or would have to leave it as B+b

In mathematics, the distinction between uppercase letters (like B) and lowercase letters (like b) is typically meaningful. However, how they are used and whether they represent different values can depend on the context and the specific notation being used.

In the example you provided, where you have b+B, the sum can be expressed as 2b or B+b, depending on the specific values assigned to B and b. Let's consider both cases:

1. If B and b are defined as distinct constants:
- Let's say B equals a constant value, let's say 3.
- And b is another distinct constant, let's say 2.
In this case, b+B = 2+3 = 5. So, B+b is 5.

2. If B and b are defined as equivalent (letting b=B):
- Let's say B is defined as a constant, let's say 2.
- And b is defined as being equivalent to B, b=B.
In this case, b+B = B+B = 2+2 = 4. So, B+b is 4.

Therefore, without specifics on the values assigned to B and b or the context in which you are using them, it is not possible to determine if B+b is necessarily equal to 2b or if it should be left as B+b. The result depends on the specific values assigned to B and b and the context in which they are used.