compare and contrast the virginia plan v.s. new jersy plan

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The Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan were two proposals put forward during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. These plans laid the foundation for the structure and powers of the United States federal government. Let's compare and contrast these two plans:

1. Representation in Congress:
- Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan proposed a bicameral (two houses) legislature. Representation in both houses would be based on a state's population or wealth.
- New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan, on the other hand, advocated for a unicameral (single house) legislature, where each state has an equal vote, regardless of its population or wealth.

2. The Executive Branch:
- Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan proposed a strong executive branch, with a single executive (the President) elected by the legislature.
- New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan suggested a weak executive branch, with a plural executive consisting of multiple individuals elected by Congress.

3. Branches of Government:
- Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan proposed a strong central government with three separate branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial.
- New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan maintained the existing one-branch Congress and sought to strengthen it without creating separate branches.

4. State Sovereignty and Power:
- Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan aimed to reduce the power of individual states in favor of a stronger central government.
- New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan sought to uphold state sovereignty and retain the power of individual states in governing themselves.

5. Adoption of the Plans:
- Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan gained significant support from larger states who would benefit from representation based on population or wealth.
- New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan was favored by smaller states, as it provided them with equal representation regardless of size.

In conclusion, the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan differed mainly in their approach to representation in Congress, the strength of the executive branch, and the extent of centralization versus state sovereignty. The ultimate compromise between these plans resulted in the creation of a bicameral Congress, with representation in the House of Representatives based on population and equal representation for each state in the Senate.