does anybody know a good web site to get info on Samual Adams

go to wikipedia and type him in


why did hamitlon fee; it was so important to pay back the national debt

what is the answer for a rule by the people is called

The answer to your first question, finding information on Samuel Adams, can be found by going to Wikipedia and searching for his name.

For your second question, the reason why Alexander Hamilton believed it was important to pay back the national debt is because he saw it as essential for the financial stability and creditworthiness of the young United States. Hamilton believed that by demonstrating the ability and willingness to honor its debts, the country would gain the trust and confidence of investors, both domestic and foreign. This would help establish a strong and robust economy, attract investments, and stimulate economic growth.

As for your third question, a rule by the people is called "democracy." In a democracy, the power to make decisions and govern is vested in the hands of the people.