what occurs when sugar is added to water....

It dissolves?

the freezing point of the water will decrease and the boiling point will increase

Thanks for your help i think i get it better now

That't right.

When sugar is added to water, it undergoes a process called dissolution. This means that the sugar molecules separate and distribute themselves evenly throughout the water, forming a homogeneous mixture. As a result, the sugar molecules become dispersed and no longer appear as individual crystals. The dissolving of sugar in water is often referred to as a physical change because the sugar molecules remain unchanged chemically.

When sugar dissolves in water, it does not affect the freezing point immediately. However, it does have an impact on the boiling point. By adding sugar to water, the boiling point of the resulting solution increases. This is because the presence of sugar molecules interferes with the movement of water molecules during the boiling process. The higher boiling point means that the solution will need to be heated to a higher temperature for it to boil compared to pure water.

On the other hand, the freezing point of the water does decrease when sugar is added. This is due to a phenomenon called freezing point depression. The presence of sugar molecules disrupts the arrangement of water molecules and makes it more difficult for them to form a crystalline structure during freezing. As a result, the solution needs to be cooled to a lower temperature than pure water in order to freeze.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the effects of adding sugar to water better. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!