In 1991 the Tailhook Association (mostly male military aviators) hosted their annual convention at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, despite the fact that they had known that during previous Tailhook conventions rowdy men in the hotel hallways had accosted young women. There was an understanding between Tailhook and the LVHH that they were to allow the attendees to “have fun”. Paula, a female U.S. helicopter pilot was attacked by a group of men attending the convention. She suffered physical and psychological problems and ultimately resigned from the military.

On what grounds could Paula sue?
What are the legal issues?
Who will win?

This page from Google will give you the information you need:

To determine the grounds on which Paula could potentially sue, the legal issues involved, and the possible outcome of the case, it would be best to conduct a search and gather information from credible sources.

Here's how you can use the provided Google search link to find relevant information:

1. Click on the provided link to open the Google search result page.

2. Review the search results page that appears. It will display a list of web pages related to the 1991 Tailhook Association incident.

3. Click on the relevant links from reputable sources, such as news articles, legal analysis, or official reports, to gather information about the incident, legal issues, potential grounds for a lawsuit, and possible outcomes.

4. Take note of any specific details mentioned in the sources that relate to Paula's situation, including any legal principles, regulations, or statutes that may be relevant.

Based on the information obtained from reputable sources, you can evaluate the potential grounds for Paula's lawsuit, identify the legal issues at play, and consider the arguments that each side might present. It is important to note that the outcome of a hypothetical legal case cannot be determined with certainty, as it would depend on various factors, including the specific details of the case, the evidence presented, and the interpretation and application of relevant laws by the courts.