what is 45,429,444 to the nearest hundred-thousand?

Hundred thousand digit...


so would it be 454 hundred thousand?

To determine the number to the nearest hundred-thousand, you need to consider the digit in the hundred-thousand place. In the given number, 45,429,444, the digit in the hundred-thousand place is 5.

To find the number to the nearest hundred-thousand, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the digit to the right of the hundred-thousand place. In this case, it is the ten-thousands place.
2. If the digit in the ten-thousands place is less than 5, you round down the number in the hundred-thousand place.
- In our case, the digit in the ten-thousands place is 4, which is less than 5. So we round down.
- The number becomes 450,000.

Therefore, 45,429,444 rounded to the nearest hundred-thousand is 450,000.