Okay, so there is circle S. There are two tangents of this circle that intersect, so it almost looks like a cone? the angle of the intersected tangents is 20º. The arc that the "cone" intersects is 4x. I have to figure out what X is. THe answer is 110 but I don't know how to do it.

To get a numerical answer for the arc length, you need to specify the radius of the circle... not just the angle between the tangents.

I also do not understand your symbol
following the number 20.

To solve for X, we need more information. The angle between the intersecting tangents alone is not sufficient. Nevertheless, I can explain how you can find the answer if you have all the necessary information.

Let's assume that the radius of the circle S is r. We know that the angle between the intersecting tangents is 20 degrees. Suppose the point of intersection of the tangents is labeled point A. Now, if we draw two radii from the center of the circle S to the points where the tangents touch the circle (let's call these points B and C), we form two right triangles: triangle OAB and triangle OAC, where O denotes the center of the circle.

Since the two tangents are perpendicular to the radius, we have that triangle OAB and triangle OAC are right triangles, and angle BAO and angle CAO are both right angles.

Here's where we need additional information. If we are given the measure of one of the acute angles in either triangle OAB or triangle OAC, we can find the other angle by subtracting it from 90 degrees (since the angles of a right triangle sum up to 90 degrees). This will allow us to find the value of X, as explained later.

Assuming we have the additional information that we need, let's say that angle BAO is x degrees. Since angle BAO and angle CAO sum up to 90 degrees, then angle CAO is 90 - x degrees.

Now, recall that the length of an arc is given by the formula L = θr, where L is the arc length, θ is the angle in radians, and r is the radius. However, we are given the angle in degrees, so we need to convert it to radians. This can be done by multiplying the angle in degrees by π/180.

For the arc formed by the "cone" in circle S, we have an angle of (90 - x) degrees, which in radians is (90 - x) * (π/180). Therefore, the length of the arc BC is (90 - x) * (π/180) * r.

We are given that the length of the arc BC is 4x. So, we have the equation:
(90 - x) * (π/180) * r = 4x.

Now, we can solve this equation for x. Start by multiplying both sides by 180, then divide by π and rearrange the equation:
r * (90 - x) = 4x * (180/π)
r * (90 - x) = (720/π) * x
90r - rx = (720/π) * x
90r = (720/π) * x + rx
90r = (720/π + r) * x
x = (90r) / ((720/π + r))

Finally, if we plug in the value of r and evaluate the expression, we can find the value of x. In your case, the answer is 110.