Is it possible for an object to have an acceleration when the speed of the object is constant?

not enough information to decide
Give your reasoning.

acceleration is a vector. So speed could be constant, but the direction changing.

To determine if an object can have an acceleration when the speed is constant, we need to understand the concept of acceleration and how it relates to speed. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction.

In the scenario where the speed of an object is constant, it means that the magnitude of the velocity is not changing. However, it is still possible for the direction of the velocity to be changing. This means that although the speed remains constant, the object can still have an acceleration.

Let's consider an example to illustrate this. Imagine a car moving in a circular path at a constant speed. While the car maintains the same speed, its direction of motion continually changes. In this case, the car is experiencing a change in velocity since velocity is a vector that includes speed and direction. Therefore, the car has an acceleration even though its speed remains constant.

In conclusion, an object can have an acceleration even when its speed is constant if the direction of its motion is changing. Therefore, the answer is yes, it is possible for an object to have an acceleration when the speed of the object is constant.