subtract. express your answer in simplest form

(2)/(5) minus (y)/(y-2)

Multiply by 5(y-2)
[2(y-2)] - 5y
Clear the fraction and combine terms.


To subtract (2/5) - (y)/(y-2) and express the answer in simplest form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator
In this case, the common denominator is 5(y-2). Multiply the first fraction (2/5) by (y-2)/(y-2) and the second fraction (y)/(y-2) by 5/5.

(2/5) * (y-2)/(y-2) - (y)/(y-2) * 5/5

This simplifies to:
(2(y-2))/(5(y-2)) - 5y/(5(y-2))

Step 2: Clear the fraction
Multiply each term (numerator and denominator) in each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction.

[(2(y-2)) - (5y)] / [5(y-2)]

Step 3: Combine like terms
Distribute the 2 to (y-2) in the numerator.

(2y - 4 - 5y) / (5y - 10)

Combine like terms in the numerator.

(-3y - 4) / (5y - 10)

The answer in simplest form is (-3y - 4) / (5y - 10).