lunar probes:

what else does a lunar probe have other than a camera?

i need to know today becasue it is for aproject and it is due tomorrow

please help!!!!!!

You will find a description of some of the first lunar probes that actually landed on the moon at

"Probes" can also just orbit the moon (or planet or other satellite) while flying by or in orbit, without actually landing. In this case, many more experiments can be done, such as radar terrain mapping and probing beneath the soil. By this means, it was recently determined that there is a layer of ice two miles thick at the south pole of mars. Ice has also been detected in permanently shadowed crevasses at the poles of mercury and the Moon.

i can't seee the thing u sent me

i need to know what do probes have other then cameras

Do you have some sort of parental controls that prevent you from opening web site? Or is the problem that you cannot open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) files? In either case, being blocked going to limit your ability to use the internet for researcch and homework help. I or someone else will be glad to tell you more about what lunar probes do if you tell me if you are interested in the kind that land or this kind that keep orbiting around the moon, or both.

I have already mentioned seismometers and soil samplers (for the landers) and radar probes (for the orbiters). Orbiting radar (microwave) probes can provide detailed 3-dimensional maps and also "see" what is below the surface.

oh...i think is that my computer can't open .pdf

is there anything else about the probes other than the things u gave me????

See if you can read this one. It is about both the moon and Mars, and discusses both orbiter and landers.

thank you for the information can i make a model of a lunar probe??????

To make a model of a lunar probe, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and gather information: Look up images and information about lunar probes to understand their design. This will help you create an accurate model.

2. Collect materials: Gather materials like cardboard, paper, glue, scissors, paint, and any other decorative items you want to use for your model.

3. Design the basic shape: Use cardboard or any sturdy material to create the basic structure of the lunar probe. Cut out shapes for the main body, antennas, solar panels, and other components, and assemble them using glue.

4. Add details: Use smaller pieces of cardboard or paper to add details and features such as sensor arrays, thrusters, landing legs, and any other specific components of the lunar probe you want to include. You can also use paint or markers to add color and make it more visually appealing.

5. Display base: Create a base for your model by using a larger piece of cardboard or a wooden platform. You can paint it or cover it with paper to resemble the lunar surface.

6. Final touches: Add any additional details or decorations to your model, such as labels, logos, or mission patches, to make it more authentic.

Remember to use your research as a reference to make your model as accurate and detailed as possible. Good luck with your project!