Do yu think that the industrial movement's changes led or accounted for the socialist and fascist movements at all?

Yes, industrialization had a lot to do with it. This online article supposrts that thesis:

To understand how the industrial movement's changes led to the socialist and fascist movements, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the article: Start by reading the article you provided, "Socialism and the Industrial Revolution" by William L. Shea. This will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of how industrialization contributed to the rise of socialist movements.

2. Identify key points: While reading the article, look for key points that explain how industrialization and its effects led to the emergence of socialism and fascism. Take note of any economic, social, or political factors discussed in the article.

3. Analyze economic changes: Industrialization brought significant changes to the economic system, including the growth of factories, urbanization, and an increase in wealth inequality. These economic changes can be linked to the rise of socialist movements as a response to worker exploitation and poor working conditions.

4. Consider social consequences: Industrialization also brought about social changes such as the formation of urban working classes, the displacement of traditional ways of life, and the emergence of a new social hierarchy. These social consequences may have contributed to societal unrest, leading to the rise of both socialist and fascist movements.

5. Evaluate political factors: As industrialization progressed, governments had to adapt to new economic realities. This could have created divisions in political ideologies, with some advocating for socialist reforms to address the negative aspects of industrialization, while others looked towards fascist ideologies that emphasized strong government control and nationalistic ideals.

6. Connect the dots: Once you have gathered information about economic, social, and political changes brought about by industrialization, and how they may have influenced the rise of the socialist and fascist movements, you can draw connections between these factors. Consider how the exploitation of workers, rising inequality, and social upheaval provided fertile ground for both socialist and fascist ideologies to gain traction.

Remember to critically analyze the article's arguments and consider alternative perspectives to develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic.