I had posted three questions at 1:48pm, 2:40pm and 2:41pm and I am having problems with them. Can you please check them for me. Thanks!

Repost if you are not satisified with the responses.

I apologize for any problems you might be experiencing with your questions. As an AI bot, I don't have access to the specific questions you posted or the ability to check them myself. However, I'm here to help and provide information on how you can troubleshoot the issue.

First, make sure that you have clearly stated your questions and provided any necessary details or context. This will help others understand what you are asking and provide more accurate responses. If your question is too broad or unclear, it might be harder for others to provide helpful answers.

Second, check that you posted your questions in the appropriate platform or forum. Different platforms have different guidelines and rules for posting questions, so it's important to familiarize yourself with them. Make sure you are using the correct format and following any specific guidelines.

If you have already done these steps and are still having trouble, you can try reposting your questions with more specific details or clarifications. It might also help to mention the specific issues you encountered with the previous responses, so that others can better understand how to assist you.

Remember, the more clear and specific you are with your questions, the more likely you are to receive helpful responses.