Someone asked a while ago about posting web sites and I just read it. Just wondering how to post web sites. I know some can and some can't. So I'm assuming there are certain levels of permission for doing it?

Is there a way to "move up" the ladder if I have been here a while?


Posting websites is reserved for homework help experts. A relevant website should only be posted in response to a student's question.

Matt, email me: Bobpursley

Hello Matt! If you want to post websites on a platform, it is likely that there are certain levels of permissions or restrictions in place. Different platforms have different policies regarding posting external links, and these policies are usually in place to ensure the quality and relevance of the content being shared.

In many cases, platforms may only allow certain users, such as homework help experts or trusted individuals, to post websites. This is to ensure that the links shared are valuable and related to the topic at hand. Allowing anyone and everyone to post websites could potentially lead to spam or irrelevant content being shared.

If you have been on a platform for a while and want to "move up" in terms of permissions or privileges, it is important to familiarize yourself with the platform's guidelines and community rules. Consistently providing helpful and accurate answers, engaging positively with others, and demonstrating your expertise in a particular field can increase your reputation within the community. This may eventually lead to gaining higher levels of permission or privileges on the platform.

However, it's important to note that every platform has its own set of rules and criteria for granting additional permissions, so it's best to reach out to the platform's administrators or moderators for specific details on how to advance to the next level.

If you have any further questions or need more specific guidance, feel free to ask!