1. 4x-12/4x

2. d+7/d^2-49
Can someone help me with these,please,lol,I'm brain dead

Try to factor where you can, then simplify as much as you can.

I'll show you the first two problems; maybe you can try the rest on your own.

#1. (4x - 12)/4x
Factor the numerator (top).
We can cancel out 4 in both the numerator and denominator (bottom).
When we do that, we end up with (x-3)/x

#2. (d+7)/(d^2-49)
Factor the denominator.
We can cancel out (d+7) in both the numerator and denominator.
When we do that, we end up with 1/(d-7)

I hope this will help get you started on these problems.

Sure! Let's go through the remaining problems one by one:

#3. (t^2 - 25)/(t^2 + t^20)
In this case, we can factor both the numerator and denominator.
The numerator is a difference of squares, which can be written as (t-5)(t+5).
The denominator is not factorable, but we can simplify it further.

When we simplify the expression, we cancel out the common factors:
(t-5)(t+5)/(t^2 + t^20) = (t-5)(t+5)/(t^2 + 20t)

#4. (2x^2 + 6x + 4)/(4x^2 - 12x + 16)
For this problem, we can factor both the numerator and denominator.
The numerator can be factored as 2(x+1)^2.
The denominator can be factored as 4(x-2)^2.

After factoring, we can cancel out the common factors:
2(x+1)^2/4(x-2)^2 = (x+1)^2/(x-2)^2

#5. (6y)/(y^2 - 2y^24)
In this problem, we can again factor both the numerator and denominator.
The numerator has no common factors other than 6.
The denominator can be factored as y^2(1 - 2y^2).

When we simplify the expression, we cancel out the common factors:
6y/(y^2 - 2y^24) = 6y/y^2(1 - 2y^2) = 6/(y(1 - 2y^2))

Remember, the key to simplifying these expressions is to factor whenever possible and then cancel out common factors.