What does “seven earths" as mentioned in surah at-Talaq actually mean?.

what is each cointing on earth? please give detail answer.

In Surah At-Talaq, verse 12 of the Quran, Allah mentions the concept of "seven earths." The exact meaning of this phrase is not explicitly explained in the Quran itself, so it requires some interpretation.

To understand the concept of "seven earths," it is important to note that the Quran often uses metaphoric and symbolic language to convey its messages. In this particular context, the seven earths may refer to different dimensions or realms of existence, beyond the one in which we currently live.

Scholars and commentators have proposed various interpretations for the meaning of the "seven earths." One interpretation suggests that it represents the layers or levels within the Earth, as known by ancient belief systems, such as the underworld, the crust, the mantle, etc.

Another interpretation suggests that the "seven earths" may symbolize different realms of existence, each with its own unique characteristics. These realms could represent different stages of creation or different dimensions beyond our physical realm.

It is important to note that these interpretations are not definitive, as the true meaning is known only to Allah. However, they provide a perspective on understanding the concept of "seven earths" within the context of the Quran.

Regarding your question about the "counting" on each earth, the Quran does not provide specific details about this. It does not elaborate on what occurs on each of the "seven earths" or the inhabitants within them. Hence, any further information about the counting on each earth would be purely speculative, as it is not explicitly mentioned in the Quranic text.

In matters like these, it is best to focus on understanding and reflecting on the broader messages and lessons that the Quran aims to convey, rather than becoming preoccupied with specific details that may be beyond our comprehension.