what is the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's Shadow and Act?

Ask your librarian for the call number for her library on that book

what is the call number of the oldest copy of Ellisons shadow and act

what is the call number of the oldest copy of ellison,s shadow and act?



To determine the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's Shadow and Act, you would need to check with a librarian. The call number of a book is specific to each library and helps locate the book within the library's classification system. Each library may have its own copy of the book, and the call number can vary between different libraries.

You can start by visiting or contacting the library where you believe the oldest copy of Shadow and Act might be available. Ask a librarian or library staff member for assistance in locating the book and providing you with the call number.

Once you have the call number, you can use it to find the book within the library's organization system, usually through the use of library catalog or by browsing the shelves in the appropriate section.