Why did Sir Sandford Fleming feel there was a need for time zones?


This site will give you the history and Fleming's contribution.


Sir Sandford Fleming felt the need for time zones because of the challenges posed by coordinating time across vast distances. Prior to the establishment of time zones, each city and region around the world determined their own local time based on the position of the sun. This worked fairly well for smaller areas, but as transportation and communication improved, it became increasingly difficult to schedule trains, trade, and other activities that crossed time boundaries.

Fleming, a Canadian engineer and inventor, experienced the inconvenience of this lack of standardization firsthand while working on the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He missed a train because of a time mix-up between two cities. Recognizing the need for a standardized time system, Fleming proposed the idea of dividing the world into standardized 24 time zones, each one representing a specific hour of the day.

Fleming's proposal gained traction and became the basis for the development of the modern time zone system. His work played a crucial role in facilitating global communication, transportation, and trade, as it provided a consistent framework for people to synchronize their activities across different regions. Time zones greatly improved efficiency and coordination, making international interactions more manageable.