What would the charge be of the ion formed by this equation?

H2SeO3(aq)==> 2H(aq) + SeO3(aq)

The SeO3 ion has a negative two charge.

To determine the charge of the ion formed by the given equation, we need to analyze the charges of the different ions involved.

In the equation, a molecule of H2SeO3(aq) dissociates into two H+ ions and one SeO3- ion.

The "2H(aq)" part indicates that two H+ ions are formed. Hydrogen usually forms ions with a charge of +1, so each H+ ion has a charge of +1.

The "SeO3(aq)" part represents the SeO3- ion. Since there is no numerical subscript in front of SeO3, we can assume that only one SeO3- ion is formed. This means that the SeO3- ion has a charge of -2.

Therefore, based on the given equation, the charge of the ion formed is -2.