An organization’s external environment has three components: the remote environment, the industry environment, and the operating environment. My company i chose was Department of Social Service but i am looking for something on the Remote and idustry environment.

The industry: caregivers(including foster families), nursing homes, hospitals, medical suppliers, transportation companies, lawyers, etc

Remote: politicians.

To understand the remote environment of an organization, such as the Department of Social Service, you need to consider factors that are more external and less directly controllable by the organization. In this case, politicians can be considered a part of the remote environment.

To delve into the remote environment, you can start by researching the political landscape and identifying key politicians or political groups that can influence the operations and policies of the Department of Social Service. Here's how you can gather information:

1. Conduct online research: Utilize search engines and news platforms to gather information about politicians who are relevant to the Department of Social Service. Look for political leaders or representatives who have influence over social service policies, funding allocations, or legislative decisions.

2. Legislative databases: Explore legislative databases at local, state, or national levels to find specific bills, acts, or policies related to social services or the care industry. Identify the politicians who sponsored or supported these initiatives.

3. Government websites: Visit government websites at different levels (federal, state, local) to access information about politicians and their affiliations, committees they serve on, speeches, and official statements related to social services or the care industry.

4. Press releases and statements: Check press releases and statements issued by politicians concerning social services or the care industry. These can provide insights into their position, priorities, and potential impact on the Department of Social Service.

5. Stakeholder analysis: Identify the key stakeholders involved in the care industry and examine their relationships with politicians. Pay attention to any special interest groups or associations that interact with politicians to advocate for social service policies.

Remember, the remote environment is dynamic, and politicians' stances can change over time. Stay updated on the latest political developments by regularly checking news sources, government websites, and social media platforms to ensure that you have the most relevant and current information about the political landscape impacting the Department of Social Service.