factor the polynomial completely...


To factor the polynomial 3x - 15 + 2xy - 10y completely, we will first group its terms based on common factors:

Grouping the terms with respect to "x" and "y," we get:
(3x + 2xy) + (-15 - 10y)

Now, let's factor out the common factors from each pair of terms:

For the first group (3x + 2xy), we can factor out "x":
x(3 + 2y)

For the second group (-15 - 10y), we can factor out "-5":
-5(3 + 2y)

Therefore, the completely factored form of the polynomial 3x - 15 + 2xy - 10y is:
x(3 + 2y) - 5(3 + 2y)

Note: We factored out the expression (3 + 2y) from both terms because they share the common factor (3 + 2y).