What number is less than10^-8?


10^(-8) = 0.00000001

figure it out from there.

hint: (c) = 10^-8

To determine which number is less than 10^(-8), we can compare the given options to the value of 10^(-8).

The value of 10^(-8) is 0.00000001.

Now, let's examine the options:

a) 0.000001 is greater than 10^(-8)
b) 0.0000001 is greater than 10^(-8)
c) 0.00000001 is equal to 10^(-8)
d) 0.0000000001 is smaller than 10^(-8)

From comparing the given options, the correct answer is option d) 0.0000000001, as it is smaller than 10^(-8).