I need 2 know how 2 find the measure of a regular haxagon!! HELP ME PLEASE!!

This site explains how to find the area of a regular hexagon.


To find the measure of a regular hexagon, you need to know its side length. A regular hexagon is a polygon with six equal sides and six equal angles.

If you have the side length of the hexagon, you can use the following formula to find the measure of each angle:

angle measure = 180 degrees * (6 - 2) / 6

In this formula, "6" represents the number of sides in the hexagon. By subtracting 2 from the number of sides and then multiplying by 180 degrees, you can find the total sum of the interior angles of the hexagon. Finally, divide this sum by 6 to find the measure of each angle.

Alternatively, if you know the apothem (the distance from the center of the hexagon to any side) and the side length, you can use the formula:

angle measure = 360 degrees / 6

Since a regular hexagon has six equal angles, the measure of each angle is equal to the total measure of all angles divided by the number of angles.

Please note that these formulas assume the hexagon is regular, meaning all sides and angles are equal.