some information about The Vanity of Human Wishes??


"The Vanity of Human Wishes" is a poem written by Samuel Johnson, an 18th-century English poet and essayist. It was first published in 1749 and is a moralistic reflection on the desires and ambitions of human beings.

To find more information about "The Vanity of Human Wishes," you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
2. In the search bar, type in "Vanity of Human Wishes Samuel Johnson" or simply "Vanity of Human Wishes."
3. Press Enter or click on the search button.
4. The search results will display various links to websites, articles, and resources related to the poem.
5. Click on any relevant link that seems reliable and informative to access more detailed information about the poem.

One of the top search results could be a link to the poem's Wikipedia page, providing a summary, analysis, and background information about "The Vanity of Human Wishes."