Hi, can you help me figure out what this paragraph says. Se ve en la cara que le duele alguna parte de su cuerpo. Tal vez comio demasiados dules y tiene dolor de estomago o le duele la cabeza. Quizas le duele el codo o la mano porque estaba jugando al tenis. Quien sabe? Le puede doler la rodilla, la pierna, el tobillo o el pie porque corre mucho. Thanks

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You ask that we HELP but it looks like you are asking us to DO because I don't see that you have attempted anything!

You can see (One can see) in his/her face that some part of his/her body hurts. Perhaps he/she ate too many sweets (misspelled = dulces) and has a stomach ache or a head ache. Perhaps his/her elbow or hand hurts because he/she was playing tennis. Who knows? His/her knee, leg, ankle or foot hurts because he/she ran too much.

NOTE: Because the le is not explained (a él, a ella a Usted) it could be his/her/your.

Thanks SraJMcGin, I knew some of the words, just not all of them, and I have been out sick and needed help. Thanks so much.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you understand the paragraph. When you come across a paragraph or text in a foreign language that you don't understand, there are a few strategies you can use to figure out the meaning.

1. Look for context clues: Try to identify familiar words or phrases that can give you a general idea of what the text is about. In this paragraph, words like "cara" (face), "dolor" (pain), "cuerpo" (body), and "estómago" (stomach) can help you understand that the paragraph is discussing someone who is experiencing physical pain.

2. Break it down: Break down the sentences or phrases into smaller parts to analyze them separately. For example, in the sentence "Se ve en la cara que le duele alguna parte de su cuerpo," you may not understand the entire sentence, but you can focus on recognizing words like "cara" (face), "duele" (hurts), "alguna parte" (some part), and "cuerpo" (body) to get a sense of the overall meaning.

3. Use a bilingual dictionary or translation tool: If you encounter unfamiliar words, you can use a bilingual dictionary or an online translation tool to look up their meanings. This can help you understand specific words or phrases and how they fit into the context of the paragraph.

Remember, practicing reading and exposing yourself to the language regularly will also improve your understanding over time. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!