A television antenna sits on the roof. Two 78-foot guy wires are positioned on opposite sides of the antenna. The angle of elevation each makes with the the ground is 23 degrees. How far apart are the ends of the two guy wires?

I have no idea where to start from... any help would be great..

You need toraw a figure. This is basic trig.
Draw a vertical straight line respresenting the antenna and a horizontal line atits base representing the flat ground. Draw a slanted line on each side between the ground and the antenna. The slope of each line must be 23 degrees but it does not have to reach the top of the antenna. The distance of each guy wire ground mounting poont from the antenna is 78 cos 23. Double that for the separation of the two ground-based end mounting points

thank you..i just wasn't sure how to draw the picture

143.6 ft

No problem! I can help you visualize it step by step.

1. Start by drawing a straight vertical line to represent the television antenna on the roof.
2. Draw a horizontal line at the base of the antenna to represent the flat ground.
3. On each side of the antenna, draw a slanted line that slopes upwards at an angle of 23 degrees from the ground. These lines represent the guy wires.
4. Now, you have two right-angled triangles formed by the guy wires and the ground. Label the length of each guy wire as 78 feet.
5. The angle between the ground and each guy wire is 23 degrees. Label these angles as well.
6. To find the distance between the ends of the two guy wires, we need to find the horizontal distance between their respective grounding points.
7. Use the trigonometric function cosine (cos) to find the length of this horizontal distance. In this case, it is 78 feet multiplied by the cosine of 23 degrees.
8. Now that you have the length of the horizontal distance between the grounding points, double it to find the total distance between the ends of the guy wires.

I hope this step-by-step explanation helps you understand how to solve the problem! Just let me know if you have any more questions.

You're welcome! Drawing a diagram is often helpful in visualizing and understanding the problem. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve the problem using trigonometry:

1. Draw a vertical line to represent the television antenna and a horizontal line at its base to represent the ground.
2. On each side of the antenna, draw a slanted line that forms a 23-degree angle with the ground. These lines represent the guy wires.
3. Label the distance from the antenna to the ground-mounting point of each guy wire as "x".
4. Now we can use trigonometry to find the length of each guy wire. The opposite side of the angle is the vertical distance from the ground to the top of the antenna, which is 78 feet. The adjacent side of the angle is the distance "x" from the antenna to the ground-mounting point of each guy wire.
5. Using the cosine function (cos), we can relate the adjacent side and the hypotenuse (the length of the guy wire). The cosine of an angle is equal to the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse.
So, cos(23°) = x/78
6. Solving for "x", we can multiply both sides of the equation by 78 to get:
x = 78 * cos(23°)
7. Now, we want to find the distance between the two ground-mounting points of the guy wires. This distance is simply twice the value of "x" since the ground-mounting points are on opposite sides of the antenna.
8. Multiply the value of "x" by 2 to get the distance between the ends of the two guy wires:
Distance = 2 * x

By plugging in the value of x from step 6 into the equation in step 8, we can find the final answer.