i'm looking to find a good site for learning the basics of biochemistry.... (high school level)...

any recommendations?


These search results have several sites that may help.


To find a good site for learning the basics of biochemistry at a high school level, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred search engine. In this example, we will use Google.
2. Type in your search query, which could be something like "basics of biochemistry for high school students".
3. Review the search results. Google will provide a list of websites that are relevant to your query.
4. Look for reputable sources such as educational institutions, online learning platforms, or science-based websites.
5. Open each website and explore its content to determine if it covers the basics of biochemistry at a high school level.
6. Consider factors such as the clarity of explanations, the inclusion of diagrams or illustrations, and interactive features that may enhance your learning experience.
7. Once you find a website that meets your criteria, bookmark it for easy future reference.

Remember to make sure that the website is trusted and reliable before using its content for studying purposes.