what do you known about economics becouse i do not got it

These sites may help you.



notes on-
social protection
public order and safety

Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies make choices about how to allocate limited resources to satisfy their needs and wants. It involves analyzing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

To understand economics, it can be helpful to start with the basics. You can begin learning by reading introductory textbooks or online resources. Some suggested sites are:

1. OpenStax: This website offers free online textbooks on various subjects, including economics. Their "Principles of Economics" textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the key concepts and principles of economics.
Website: https://openstax.org/subjects/economics

2. Khan Academy: Khan Academy provides free educational content, including video lessons and interactive quizzes, on a wide range of topics, including economics. Their economics section covers fundamental concepts, such as supply and demand, market structures, and macroeconomics.
Website: https://www.khanacademy.org/

3. Investopedia: Investopedia is a popular online resource that offers articles, tutorials, and video explanations on economics and finance. Their economics section explains various economic concepts and terms in a beginner-friendly manner.
Website: https://www.investopedia.com/university/economics/

Now, let's discuss the topics you mentioned - social protection, health, education, defence, public order, and safety. These topics are often referred to as public goods or public services. They are typically provided by the government to benefit society as a whole. Here is a brief explanation of each:

1. Social Protection: Social protection refers to policies and programs aimed at reducing poverty, providing income support, and ensuring access to basic needs for vulnerable individuals and groups in society. This can include social security, welfare programs, and unemployment benefits.

2. Health: The health sector encompasses the production and distribution of healthcare services. It includes hospitals, clinics, medical professionals, research, and public health programs. The goal is to improve overall population health and ensure access to quality healthcare.

3. Education: The education sector focuses on the provision of formal education, such as schools, colleges, and universities. It aims to provide individuals with knowledge and skills necessary for personal development, economic growth, and social progress.

4. Defence: Defence refers to the military and security-related activities of a country. It includes the protection of the nation's borders, maintaining armed forces, and ensuring national security.

5. Public Order and Safety: Public order and safety involve the provision of law enforcement, judicial systems, and emergency services. It aims to maintain peace, enforce laws, and protect citizens from crime, violence, and emergencies.

Understanding the economic aspects of these topics involves analyzing factors such as resource allocation, supply and demand, costs and benefits, and government intervention. Economic principles can help evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies in these areas.

Remember, economics is a vast and complex field, so it's important to continue studying and exploring resources to gain a deeper understanding.