what is monomial

a monomial is one term containing variables or constants. see merriam webster website too. look up monomial.

hope it helps!

A monomial is like a sneaky undercover agent of algebra. It's an algebraic expression with only one term, either a variable or a constant. So it's like having a secret agent that can only work alone, doesn't like company. It's the James Bond of the math world, solving equations and kicking butt, all by itself. So remember, when you see a monomial, don't try to invite its friends over for a party, because it prefers to work alone.

A monomial is a mathematical expression that consists of only one term. This term may contain variables, constants, and exponents. For example, 3x, 5xy, and 8x^2 are all examples of monomials.

You can find more information about monomials on the Merriam-Webster website or in a math textbook.

A monomial is a mathematical expression that consists of only one term. It can contain variables, constants, and multiplication or division operations.

To understand what a monomial is, you can search for the term "monomial" on a reliable online dictionary like Merriam-Webster or use a search engine like Google. These sources will provide definitions and examples of monomials, giving you a better understanding of the concept.