Ok, I am supposed to find out what the variables are by factoring and finding square roots. I couldn't find the right factors of a and c that added up to b in the equation (did that make sense?). Please help me find them! TYVM


I know bobpursley helped me with this problem not too long ago, but he asked if it was 6n^2-5n-4, but it isn't. The help with the other problem was great! Plz help, any help is greatly appreciated!

Think. it is what I typed. Rearranging the terms does not change the polynomial. Relook at the solution I presented.

omg how could I be SOOOOOOOOO stupid!!?? I didn't think about rearranging the terms. I can be such an idiot sometimes. Thanks for bearing with my stupidness!!

No problem at all! We all make mistakes sometimes. Let's go step by step to find the factors of the equation -5n + 6n^2 - 4 = 0.

Step 1: Rearrange the terms in descending order.
We want to rewrite the equation in the form: ax^2 + bx + c = 0. In this case, we have 6n^2 - 5n - 4 = 0.

Step 2: Identify the values of a, b, and c.
In this equation, a = 6, b = -5, and c = -4.

Step 3: Find the factors of ac.
To find the factors of ac, which in this case is 6 * -4 = -24, we need to list all the factor pairs of -24. Some factor pairs are (-24, 1), (12, -2), (-8, 3), and so on.

Step 4: Look for factors that add up to b.
Now, we need to find the factors from Step 3 that add up to b, which is -5. In this case, none of the factor pairs of -24 add up to -5.

Step 5: Use the quadratic formula if necessary.
If the factors cannot be found by factoring, we can resort to using the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, we have a = 6, b = -5, and c = -4. Plugging in these values in the quadratic formula will give us the solutions for n.

I hope this helps you in finding the factors and solving the equation!