Okay... here's the assignment. I've been trying this for a week and I'm screwed.

Spend 30 minutes on each of these sites and answer the following questions in a 3-5 page paper, APA style.

pchrgaza (dot) ps
memri (dot) org/archives (dot) html

In this assignment, students are asked to visit two web sites -- one pro-Palestinian and one pro-Israeli -- and write a report on the role of prejudice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are three parts to the assignment:

I understand that you need help with your assignment. While I can't complete the assignment for you, I can certainly assist you in finding the information you need to answer the questions.

To start, visit the first website mentioned, pchrgaza.ps. This website belongs to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR). The PCHR is an independent Palestinian human rights organization based in Gaza. Spend 30 minutes exploring the website and taking notes on relevant information that pertains to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of prejudice.

Next, visit the second website, memri.org/archives.html. This website belongs to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). MEMRI is a non-profit organization that translates and analyzes media from the Middle East. Spend another 30 minutes exploring this website and taking notes on information that provides an Israeli perspective on the conflict and the role of prejudice.

Once you have gathered enough information from both websites, you can start working on your paper. The paper should be written in APA style, which is a specific formatting style used in academic writing. Make sure to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In your paper, you should address the following questions:

1. What are the main arguments presented by each website regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of prejudice?
- Analyze the information and arguments from the pro-Palestinian website (pchrgaza.ps) and the pro-Israeli website (memri.org) toidentify their positions and support them with evidence.

2. How do these websites shape public opinion and perceptions?
- Explore the methods and strategies used by each website to influence public opinion and shape perceptions of the conflict. Consider factors such as language, framing, and selection of content.

3. In what ways does prejudice contribute to the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
- Examine the role of prejudice in the conflict and how it contributes to the ongoing cycle of violence, mistrust, and limited resolution. Use examples from both websites to support your arguments.

Remember to provide proper citations and references in APA style for any information or quotes you use in your paper.

Good luck with your assignment! If you need further assistance or have more specific questions, feel free to ask.