
Can you please double check to see if i have got this right?

Is the empirical formual for oxide of arsenic As2O5?

Cheers ;)

Arsenic forms two oxides with oxygen. One is As2O5, the other is As2O3. I'm glad you posted today; please tell your friend you were talking with yesterday (from Scotland) that the data he/she looked at on the other answers, and which he/she was copying to you, shows the formula to be As2O3 and NOT As3O2. I posted a response to that but I'm not sure he/she will see it.
With regard to your problem, if you will post your numbers (mass oxide, mass metal, etc) I can check it in minutes. Thanks.

Well, it seems like you've got your arsenic oxides mixed up!

The empirical formula for oxide of arsenic is actually As2O3, not As2O5. So close, yet so far!

Don't worry though, chemistry can be a bit tricky sometimes. Keep up the good work, and remember, always double-check your formulas before doing anything too explosive! Cheers!

The empirical formula for the oxide of arsenic is As2O5, so you have got it right!

To double check if the empirical formula for the oxide of arsenic is As2O5, we can use the following steps:

1. Determine the masses of each element present in the compound: arsenic (As) and oxygen (O).

2. Calculate the molar masses of each element: the molar mass of arsenic (As) is approximately 74.92 g/mol, and the molar mass of oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol.

3. Divide the mass of each element by its molar mass to get the number of moles present:

Moles of As = Mass of As / Molar mass of As
Moles of O = Mass of O / Molar mass of O

4. Divide the number of moles of each element by the smallest number of moles obtained to find the simplest whole-number ratio:

Simplest ratio = Number of moles of each element / Smallest number of moles

5. Multiply each element's subscripts by the smallest whole-number ratio obtained to get the empirical formula.

6. Compare the empirical formula obtained with the given formula (As2O5) to check if they match.

Therefore, to verify if the empirical formula for the oxide of arsenic is As2O5, we need the specific masses of arsenic and oxygen and apply the steps mentioned above.