what is the mass of two moles of NaCl?

You look up the exact numbers on the periodic table or some other chart. I will use approximations.
1 mol NaCl = 1 Na + 1 Cl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 grams.
1 mols NaCl, then, is 2 x 58.5 = ?? g.

To find the mass of two moles of NaCl, you need to understand the molecular composition of NaCl. NaCl is made up of one sodium (Na) atom and one chlorine (Cl) atom.

According to the periodic table, the atomic mass of sodium (Na) is approximately 23 grams per mole, and the atomic mass of chlorine (Cl) is approximately 35.5 grams per mole.

Since NaCl has one Na atom and one Cl atom in each molecule, the molar mass of NaCl is the sum of the atomic masses of Na and Cl, which is approximately 58.5 grams per mole.

Therefore, to calculate the mass of two moles of NaCl, you multiply the molar mass (58.5 grams/mole) by the number of moles (2).

Mathematically, it can be written as:
Mass of 2 moles of NaCl = 2 moles x 58.5 grams/mole = 117 grams.

So, the mass of two moles of NaCl is approximately 117 grams.