Why do people say that we should have a big breakfast and a small dinner?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Think about your car and filling it up with gasoline, etc. before you take a long trip. You need energy to run on as you begin your day. During the day you will be burning off the calories. At night if you eat a huge meal right before you retire, not only will you not burn off the calories but you may have indigestion. If you look in any health text you will also see detailed reasons for this.

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In the response above, I explained why some people recommend having a big breakfast and a small dinner. I used an analogy related to filling up a car with gasoline before a long trip to illustrate the concept of starting the day with energy. I then mentioned that during the day, our bodies burn off the calories consumed at breakfast, and having a smaller dinner can help avoid indigestion and prevent excess calorie intake before going to bed.